Thursday, September 3, 2009

Everyone Against Abortion Raise Your Hand

In my most humble opinion, this is exactly why Barack Hussein Obama has been appointed by God to be the President of the United States - which he will destroy. Fifty two million innocent babies have been 'legally' murdered in their mother's womb since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in the early 1970's.
Within the last decade, small steps were made to curb the slaughter. President Bush championed many pro-life measures to save our babies. Sadly, he was met with stubborn opposition and alarming complacency. Now, with the Obama in control, everything that had been accomplished to protect our babies has been washed away with outrageous expediency. With his latest decision, 'frozen' babies will be ripped apart by the hundreds of thousands to harvest their cells for embryonic experimentation!
Yes, I am sure Obama's appointment ('election') to preside over America and her destruction is of God. Like Jeremiah, the weeping profit, even the righteous will witness up close and personal the mighty wrath of our angry Creator. Everyone against abortion raise your hand --- while you still can.

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