Will this completely end abortion? No. But, it will be called what it is - MURDER. And, murder is AGAINST THE LAW of this blessed land.
"Personhood is the core issue of the pro-life movement," explained amendment co-sponsor Gualberto Garcia-Jones, "The preborn child is a human being, all human beings are persons with a right to life."
" Colorado's Personhood Amendment accomplished one of the largest volunteer signature campaigns in state history, resulting in one of the largest pro-life grassroots organizations Colorado has ever seen. In March, volunteers surprised naysayers by collecting 46,671 signatures in 15 days, when only just over 15,000 were required." KLIK HERE FOR MORE ON THIS
"Colorado is one step closer to acknowledging human rights for every human being after the State of Colorado’s Title Board unanimously approved the language of the proposed 2010 Personhood Amendment."

Colorado Personhood Amendment Submits 46,671 Signatures -- Ensures Spot on 2010 Ballot
"On March 4, the Colorado Secretary of State disclosed that 20.63% of the 79,648 signatures submitted by Personhood Colorado were invalid. As allowed by Colorado law, volunteers then had 15 days to replace the invalid signatures with new, valid voter signatures. That translated to over 1,000 signatures per day."
"Over the past few days, the massive quantities of signatures that poured in just amazed us," remarked Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of the Personhood Ballot initiative. "That means that we collected over 2,600 signatures each day, about 2 signatures per minute. Some of our volunteers were working all hours of the day, and that is a testament to what we already knew -- that Colorado citizens recognize the value of human life and have worked extremely hard to see that each human life is protected." KLIK HERE TO CONSIDER THIS BALLOT MIRACLE
Some are more interested in counting the cost of more full term pregnancies; lost wages due to the inconvenience of pregnancy; misinformed concerns of overpopulation and the extra load all these full term fetuses will bear on mother earth; and the economic impact of outlawing the lucrative bloody abortion industry. WANT TO LEARN MORE ON THIS VIEWPOINT? KLIK HERE.
THE ABORTION INDUSTRY WOULD RATHER NONE OF US HEAR THE BABIES SCREAM OF TERROR, or those trying to persuade a mother to mother and not murder her baby.
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