Sunday, January 30, 2022

Pro-Murder Mob Promotes Poison Pill In The Shadows

Even though the spotlight is on the numerous pro-life court and legislative wins, there is an insidious evil taking hold unbeknownst to many. So, lets put a godly spotlight on this evil -


- also known as the 'abortion pill'. 

The Abortion Pill Kills Babies and Hurts Women

If a person were to deliberately give an innocent person a substance that ends their life, in a United States court of law the charge would be murder in the first degree - a premeditated, unwarranted taking of a person's life. Abortion is the taking of a person's life - guilty of nothing but being conceived by God. What in tarnation is wrong with the minds and hearts of so many millions of people? Murder is murder - and perhaps even MORE murderous than all for the victims are innocent helpless little people who have not yet even had a chance to take their first breath! 

Included within the 63,459,781 (Ertelt, 2022, 63,459,781 Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, Life News) innocent lives lost to all forms of abortion (murder) are those who have been aborted (murdered) by their mother's taking mifepristone, also known as 'the abortion pill'. "Since the FDA first approved this drug, nearly 4 million preborn children have been killed by this pill. There have additionally been 24 reported maternal deaths, and the FDA has received over 4,000 reports of adverse events from women experiencing hemorrhage, excruciating abdominal pain, and severe life-threatening infections." (Live Action, ABORTION PILL KILLS, 2022)

So, what is going on here is because of the pandemic government regulations concerning the relationship between seeing a doctor and getting a prescription have been eased. This has made it easier for people to get drugs that formerly would have required a physical visit to a doctor or clinic. The good of this is that those needing medications to stay alive has been made easier. The bad of this is that those wanting medications to murder another has been made easier. And even worse now, while few have been paying attention, "the Biden administration made the temporary REMS suspension permanent, stripping away those once-important safety protections and blowing the door wide open to abortion on demand, without apology or a doctor visit" (Blackburn, 2022, Big Abortion’s Big Win is a Warning for the Pro-Life Movement—Adapt, or Die, Townhall, pp5).

Now you know. Let's keep our eye on this evil and cast a godly light on it, exposing it for what it is - murder of the worst kind. The murder of innocent helpless people - all beautiful creations of God. Life - each life - is a precious gift to be celebrated and cherished. Stand up and let your voice be heard where their voices have yet to have had a chance to cry out for their life.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Silent Scream - Warning: Violent Footage

  Video of a Real Live Baby being murdered


This is an actual video of a real living person being murdered within the womb of their mother.

It is proof that an unborn baby is real living not-yet breathing helpless innocent person who can sense danger and knows terror by the evidence of trying to escape the murderer's weapon. 

God help this nation to change its ways - please.

The Silent Scream (1984) from Movie Memories on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Show Your Support for REAL LIVE BABIES

Wear your support for REAL LIVE BABIES


Abortion Survivors Tell Their Stories


Real live abortion survivors Claire Culwell and Melissa Ohden are interviewed years beyond the attempted murders within their mothers' wombs. Living proof that life does indeed exist before being born. See them live being interviewed! Learn how they escaped! Hear the horrifying details! Get the inside story of what it is like to be an abortion survivor! 

Over 62 million innocent people have been murdered in plain public sight since 1973. (Congressional Record, Gov Info, 2021, pp7) Their lives taken without due cause or justification while within the wombs of their mothers! Help stop this evil carnage. Your voice matters, even more, for these helpless innocent people have no voice to defend their lives in or out of a court of law!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 What does conception mean in pregnancy?

"Conception occurs when a sperm cell from a fertile man swims up through the vagina and into the uterus of a woman and joins with the woman’s egg cell as it travels down one of the fallopian tubes from the ovary to the uterus.As cells continue to divide — some developing into the baby, others forming the nourishment and oxygen supply structure called the placenta — hormones are released that signal the body that a baby is growing inside the uterus." (Cleveland Clinic)

There is no confusion to what is happening at the point of conception - a person is developing. Not a tomato, or a tadpole, or a tire, but a person. At the point of conception that person is helpless and innocent. To take that person's life for no just cause is simply murder. No different than any other murder - "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another". (Google, Oxford Languages)

What cannot be determined is just when exactly a soul becomes part of the miraculous creation of life. Is it at the point of conception? Or 8 weeks? Or the first gasp of air at birth? It has yet to be ruled on or determined scientifically in the secular community. And certainly, segments of the spiritual community (such as Evangelicals and  the Roman Catholic Church) have spoken loud and long on the matter. Since it has not yet been determined, is there protection under any civil law for ignorance? Is it permissible to murder in ignorance? "Ignorantia legis non excusat-ignorance of the law does not excuse-is a centuries-old criminal law maxim familiar to lawyer and layperson alike." (Davies, 1998, Duke Law Journal) It is not permissible to commit a crime in ignorance of the law. 

The helpless innocent people being murdered within the wombs of their mother have no voice - no vote - and sadly, too few in positions of power, representation, and responsibility in our nation to save them. Thank God for Trump and his hard work to protect our most vulnerable during his short term.

Addressing the March for Life in January, President Donald Trump said, “Unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House.” Kellyanne Conway, his high-ranking aide, tweeted that Trump was “the most #prolife President in history.” That assessment was echoed by many pro-life activists, including Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of the Susan B. Anthony List, which works to elect pro-life political candidates.

(Ponnuru, 2020, National Review)


President Donald Trump called it his “profound honor” on Friday to be the first president to attend the annual anti-abortion gathering in Washington called the March for Life. (France24, 2020, News Wires)

Friday, January 7, 2022

Joe Biden Reverses President Trump's Work Protecting the Helpless Innocent

 Joe Biden Murders Millions of Helpless Innocent People

In line with the ideology that his Democratic Party practices, "Joe Biden has reversed a ban on federal funds going to international aid groups that perform...abortions". (BBC, 2021) The life saving work of President Donald Trump all through his term could not be attacked soon enough by Biden and the Democratic Party. 

This is not out of line with the Democratic murderous ideology. Nor is it out of line with the Republican life loving ideology to continue to push back against this most grievous evil of murdering our nations, and even the world's, most helpless innocent people - those within their mother's womb. "The Mexico City Policy was first enacted by Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1984 and has been repeatedly renewed by Republicans and cancelled by Democrats" (BBC, 2021)

Evil disguises itself in attractive costume. It asks not to consider what is exactly happening to the helpless innocent person designed in God's own image when it is murdered in a mother's womb, but instead, manipulates the mother and father and person executing the voiceless victim to be willing accomplices. In case there is any confusion to just what exactly is happening in the womb, take 29 minutes of your life to watch the video, The Silent Scream. You may not be able to watch it in entirety - I haven't.  It is evil to murder a helpless innocent person. Period. Evil attempts to make this murderous act attractive with numerous arguments promoting the benefit to all parties involved, of which the murdered victim has no voice or consideration.

Nevertheless, there is hope, despite the evil people currently at the helm of this most blessed nation under God's gracious watch.  

image source:  How Joe Biden Falling On The Stairs Exposes The Truth About Gun Control, Colion Noir, 2021

President Trump Protects the Helpless Innocent

Promise Kept By President Trump

"I would defund it because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3 percent. I don't know what percentage it is. They say it's 3 percent. But I would defund it, because I'm pro-life." ~ Donald Trump (Trump-O-Meter, Jacobson, 2020

In his first week of office, President Trump initiated defunding the murder industry with American tax dollars both nationally and internationally. In the course of his presidency he also enacted a rule barring the use of government funding for the purpose of murdering the innocent. "It's important to note these changes have been in the regulatory realm rather than passed by Congress." (Trump-O-Meter, Jacobson, 2020) "The 7-4 ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned decisions issued by judges in Washington, Oregon and California." (ABC, Johnson, 2020) That ruling continues to stand 1 year after his term, despite Joe Biden's attempt to use the courts to overturn it. (NPR, McCammon, 2021

image source: (Gawker, AP, 2016)

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Real Live Babies Coffee Mug

Get your very own Real Live Babies Coffee Mug

Read the latest prolife news while enjoying your favorite morning beverage in your very own

  Real Live Babies Coffee Mug.

Real Live Babies Mug

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