Even though the spotlight is on the numerous pro-life court and legislative wins, there is an insidious evil taking hold unbeknownst to many. So, lets put a godly spotlight on this evil -
- also known as the 'abortion pill'.
If a person were to deliberately give an innocent person a substance that ends their life, in a United States court of law the charge would be murder in the first degree - a premeditated, unwarranted taking of a person's life. Abortion is the taking of a person's life - guilty of nothing but being conceived by God. What in tarnation is wrong with the minds and hearts of so many millions of people? Murder is murder - and perhaps even MORE murderous than all for the victims are innocent helpless little people who have not yet even had a chance to take their first breath!
Included within the 63,459,781 (
Ertelt, 2022, 63,459,781 Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, Life News)
innocent lives lost to all forms of abortion (murder) are those who have been aborted (murdered) by their mother's taking mifepristone, also known as 'the abortion pill'. "Since the FDA first approved this drug, nearly 4 million preborn children have been killed by this pill. There have additionally been 24 reported maternal deaths, and the FDA has received over 4,000 reports of adverse events from women experiencing hemorrhage, excruciating abdominal pain, and severe life-threatening infections." (
Live Action, ABORTION PILL KILLS, 2022)

So, what is going on here is because of the pandemic government regulations concerning the relationship between seeing a doctor and getting a prescription have been eased. This has made it easier for people to get drugs that formerly would have required a physical visit to a doctor or clinic. The good of this is that those needing medications to stay alive has been made easier. The bad of this is that those wanting medications to murder another has been made easier. And even worse now, while few have been paying attention, "the Biden administration made the temporary REMS suspension permanent, stripping away those once-important safety protections and blowing the door wide open to abortion on demand, without apology or a doctor visit" (
Blackburn, 2022, Big Abortion’s Big Win is a Warning for the Pro-Life Movement—Adapt, or Die, Townhall, pp5).
Now you know. Let's keep our eye on this evil and cast a godly light on it, exposing it for what it is - murder of the worst kind. The murder of innocent helpless people - all beautiful creations of God. Life - each life - is a precious gift to be celebrated and cherished. Stand up and let your voice be heard where their voices have yet to have had a chance to cry out for their life.
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